ch9 review silberschatz operating systems concepts essentials 2nd ed

Review Questions
Section 9.1
9.1 True or False? Magnetic disks provide the bulk of secondary storage for modern computer systems. True
9.2 True or False? Solid state disks have the same characteristics as traditional hard disks. True
Section 9.2
9.3 What is the term for the smallest unit of transfer between a disk? Logical block
Section 9.3
9.4 What are the two ways a computer can access disk storage? I/O ports (host-attached storage) and Distributed File Systems (network-attached storage)
Section 9.4
9.5 List the three general disk scheduling algorithms.  First come first served, shortest seek time first, SCAN (starts at one and and moves to the other reversing back when it gets to each end), C-SCAN (circular scan instead of reversing it moves from one end to the other then immediately proceeds back to the end it started scanning from), LOOK (works liek can but does not travers the entire disk; look only goes as far as the farthest request)
9.6 What disk scheduling algorithm is typically used with SSDs? FCFS
Section 9.5
9.7 What must be done to a disk before it can be used for storage? Low-level formatting (aka physical formatting) divided up into sectors that the disk controller can read and write
9.8 Where does the Windows system place its boot code? Master boot record the first sector of the disk
Section 9.6
9.9 True or False? Most modern systems swam entire processes to swap space. false most modern systems swap pages to swap space not entire processes
Section 9.7
9.10 What is the fundamental reason RAID is used? to address performance and reliability issues
Chapter 9 Mass-Storage Structure
Section 9.8
9.11 What are the three possible outcomes when writing to disk? successful completion, partial failure, total failure

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