ch14 review silberschatz operating systems concepts essentials 2nd ed

Review Questions
Section 14.1
14.1 What is the most common technique for security attacks? masquerading
14.2 What are the four levels where security measures must be taken? physical, human, operating system, and network
Section 14.2
14.3 Provide examplesof at least three program threats. trojan horse, trap door, logic bomb, stack and buffer overflow, and virus
Section 14.3
14.4 Provide examples of at least two system and network threats. worms, port scanning and DDOS
Section 14.4
14.5 True or False? Encryption requires possession of a key to read a message. True
14.6 What is the name of the encryption algorithm where the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt? Symmetric Encryption algorithm
14.7 What is the name of a commonly-used cryptographic protocol? SSL
Section 14.5
14.8 What is the most common approach for authenticating a user? passwords
14.9 What are passwords that allow the space character are known as? passphrase
Section 14.6
14.10 What is the first step of implementing a security defense? Security Policy
14.11 What is the term when a system diverts an intruders to a location where the systemcan monitor the intruders activity? Honeypot
Chapter 14 Security
Section 14.7
14.12 True or False? A firewall sits between the trusted and untrusted. True
14.13 True or False? Firewalls can prevaent attacks on protocols that the firewall allows. False
Section 14.8
14.14 What are the four security classifications identified by the United States Departmentof Defense? A , B mandatory protection systems, C provide discretionary protection and accountability of users and their actions through the use of audit capabilities in unix, D minimal protection like DOS and windows 3.1
Section 14.9
14.15 What is the Windows 7 security model based upon? The windows 7 security model is based upon the notion of user accounts

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ch11 review silberschatz operating systems concepts essentials 2nd ed