ch12 review silberschatz operating system concepts essentials 2nd ed

Review Questions
Section 12.1
12.1 What are the two conflicting trends of I/O devices? Increased standardization of software and hardware interfaces, and an increasingly broad variety of I/O devices
Section 12.2
12.2 What is a controller? A collection of electronics that can operate a port, a bus, or a device
12.3 True or False? Most CPUs allow some interrupts to be ignored so that a critical instruction cannot be interrupted. True
Section 12.3
12.4 True or False?A given device may require different drivers for different operating systems. true
12.5 What is an alternative to a nonblocking system call? Asynchronous system call
Section 12.4
12.6 List at least three different services provided by the kernel I/O subsystem. Scheduling, Buffering, Caching, Spooling, Device Reservation, and Error Handling
Section 12.5
12.7 True or False? The lifecycle of an I/O request does not require many CPU cycles. False
Section 12.6
12.8 What operating systemis the STREAMS mechanism designed for? Unix System V
Section 12.7
12.9 True or False? I/O operations do not have a signi?cant impact on performance. False

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ch11 review silberschatz operating systems concepts essentials 2nd ed