ch10 review silberschatz operating systems concepts essentials 2nd ed

Review Questions
Section 10.1
10.1 List at least three attributes of a file. Name, Identifier, Type, Location, Size, Protection(access control information), Time, Date, and user Identification
10.2 List at least three operations that made be performed on a file. Create, Write, Read, Reposition within a file(seek), Truncate(erase contents and retain attributes)
Section 10.2
10.3 What are the two fundamental ways of accessing a file? sequential access, and direct access
Section 10.3
10.4 What is a volume? an entity containing a file system
10.5 What is the most common way of structuring directories? tree-structured directories
10.6 True or False? UNIX systems allow acylic-graph directories. true
Section 10.4
10.7 If a mount point is /home and the device jane/programs is mounted on the mount point, what is the complete path name to access the programs directory? /home
Section 10.5
10.8 Name one type of remote file system. NFS, CIFS/SMB, WebDAV
10.9 Name one type of distributed information system. Domain name system, network information service, common internet file system, active directory, lightweight directory access protocol
Section 10.6
10.10 What are the three general classifications of users in connection with each file? owner, group, and universe

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ch11 review silberschatz operating systems concepts essentials 2nd ed