DHCP Administration Commands

Purpose: Use this aid to learn more about the various commands used to administer DHCP in Server Core.

IPCONFIG commands for DHCP

ipconfig /all This command lists the full TCP/IP configuration for all adapters, including IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway values. Adapters can represent physical interfaces, such as installed network adapters, or logical interfaces, such as dial-up connections.
ipconfig /release
This command can be given with or without specifying an adapter. To specify an adapter, use the syntax ipconfig /release Adapter. The adapter name can be acquired by typing ipconfig.

On typing this command, a DHCPRELEASE message is sent to the DHCP server, releasing the current DHCP configuration and IP address configuration for the specified adapter (or all adapters if none are specified). TCP/IP is disabled for the specified adapter/adapters configured to obtain an IP address automatically.
ipconfig /renew
This command applies only to computers with adapters configured to obtain an IP address automatically; and can be given with or without specifying an adapter. To specify an adapter, use the syntax ipconfig /renew Adapter. The adapter name can be acquired by typing ipconfig.

On typing this command, the DHCP configuration is renewed for the specified adapter (or all adapters if none are specified).
Other ipconfig commands for DHCP are ipconfig /showclassid, which shows the DHCP class ID, and ipconfig /setclassid, which configures the DHCP class ID.

NETSH commands for DHCP

At each netsh context, you can access a list of commands available for that context by typing list.
In addition to the commands demonstrated in the course, here are more DHCP-related netsh commands:
DHCP context

From the Netsh dhcp> prompt:
To show a list of authorized servers in Active Directory, use the showserver command.
To delete a DHCP server from the list of authorized servers in Active Directory, use the deleteserver command: deleteserver ServerDNS ServerIP.
To specify whether tracing is enabled for the DHCP client on the local computer, use the trace command: trace enable | trace disable.
DHCP server context

From the Netsh dhcp server> prompt:
To change the Netsh command-line context to a specific server, use the set server command: set server ServerIP| ServerDNSname.
To import a DHCP service configuration from a file to the local service, use the import command: import [Path ]FileName.
To initiate authorization of the specified DHCP server in Active Directory, use the initiate auth command.
DHCP v4 context

From the Netsh dhcp server scope> prompt:
To show information about the scopes for the specified DHCP server, use the show scope command.
To add a scope to the specified DHCP server, use the add scope command: add scope ScopeAddress SubnetMask ScopeName [ScopeComment ].

To delete a scope from the specified DHCP server, use the delete scope command: delete scope ScopeAddress DHCPNOFORCE | DHCPFULLFORCE.
DHCP v6 context

From the Netsh dhcp server mscope> prompt:
To display all user and vendor class information for the specified DHCP server, use the show class command.
To delete the credentials used for all DNS dynamic updates, use the delete dnscredentials command: delete dnscredentials dhcpforceflag.
DHCP server scope context

From the Netsh dhcp server scope> prompt:
To add a range of IP addresses to the current scope, use the add iprange command: add iprange StartIP EndIP DHCP | BOOTP | BOTH MaxBootP.
To reserve an IP address in the current scope, use the add reservedip command: add reservedip ReservedIP MACAddress ClientName ClientComment DHCP|BOOTP|BOTH.
DHCP server mscope context

From the Netsh dhcp server mscope> prompt:
Add a range of IP addresses to the current multicast scope by using the add iprange command: add iprange StartIP EndIP.
Set the lease duration for the multicast scope IP addresses by using the set lease command: set lease Time. Time is measured in seconds.
Set the name of the multicast scope to which the command context is changed using the set mscope command: set mscope NewName. Note that this does not rename the current scope, for which the set name command must be used.
Course: Configure IP Addressing and Windows Services in Windows Server 2008
Topic: DHCP on the Server Core

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