
Chapter 3: Network Media and Topologies

Add a note hereCompTIA Network+ exam objectives covered in this chapter:

  • Add a note here3.1 Categorize standard media types and associated properties.
    • Add a note hereFiber:
      • Add a note hereMultimode
      • Add a note hereSinglemode
    • Add a note hereCopper:
      • Add a note hereUTP
      • Add a note hereSTP
      • Add a note hereCAT3
      • Add a note hereCAT5
      • Add a note hereCAT5e
      • Add a note hereCAT6
      • Add a note hereCAT6a
      • Add a note hereCoaxial
      • Add a note hereCrossover
      • Add a note hereT1 Crossover
      • Add a note hereStraight-through
    • Add a note herePlenum vs. non-plenum
    • Add a note hereMedia converters:
      • Add a note hereSinglemode fiber to Ethernet
      • Add a note hereMultimode fiber to Ethernet
      • Add a note hereFiber to coaxial
      • Add a note hereSinglemode to multimode fiber
    • Add a note hereDistance limitations and speed limitations
    • Add a note hereBroadband over powerline
  • Add a note here3.2 Categorize standard connector types based on network media.
    • Add a note hereFiber:
      • Add a note hereST
      • Add a note hereSC
      • Add a note hereLC
      • Add a note hereMTRJ
    • Add a note hereCopper:
      • Add a note hereRJ-45
      • Add a note hereRJ-11
      • Add a note hereBNC
      • Add a note hereF-connector
      • Add a note hereDB-9 (RS-232)
      • Add a note herePatch panel
      • Add a note here110 block (T568A, T568B)
  • Add a note here3.3 Compare and contrast different wireless standards.
    • Add a note here802.11 a/b/g/n standards
    • Add a note hereDistance
    • Add a note hereSpeed
    • Add a note hereLatency
    • Add a note hereFrequency
    • Add a note hereChannels
    • Add a note hereMIMO
    • Add a note hereChannel bonding
  • Add a note here3.4 Categorize WAN technology types and properties.
    • Add a note hereTypes:
      • Add a note hereT1/E1
      • Add a note hereT3/E3
      • Add a note hereDS3
      • Add a note hereOCx
      • Add a note hereSONET
      • Add a note hereSDH
      • Add a note hereDWDM
      • Add a note hereSatellite
      • Add a note hereISDN
      • Add a note hereCable
      • Add a note hereDSL
      • Add a note hereCellular
      • Add a note hereWiMAX
      • Add a note hereLTE
      • Add a note hereHSPA+
      • Add a note hereFiber
      • Add a note hereDialup
      • Add a note herePON
      • Add a note hereFrame Relay
      • Add a note hereATMs
    • Add a note hereProperties:
      • Add a note hereCircuit switch
      • Add a note herePacket switch
      • Add a note hereSpeed
      • Add a note hereTransmission media
      • Add a note hereDistance
  • Add a note here3.5 Describe different network topologies.
    • Add a note hereMPLS
    • Add a note herePoint to Point
    • Add a note herePoint to Multipoint
    • Add a note hereRing
    • Add a note hereStar
    • Add a note hereMesh
    • Add a note hereBus
    • Add a note herePeer-to-peer
    • Add a note hereClient-server
    • Add a note hereHybrid
  • Add a note here3.6 Given a scenario, troubleshoot common physical connectivity problems.
    • Add a note hereCable Problems:
      • Add a note hereBad connectors
      • Add a note hereBad wiring
      • Add a note hereOpen short
      • Add a note hereSplit cables
      • Add a note hereDB loss
      • Add a note hereTXRX reversed
      • Add a note hereCable placement
      • Add a note hereEMI/Interference
      • Add a note hereDistance
      • Add a note hereCrosstalk
  • Add a note here3.7 Compare and contrast different LAN technologies.
    • Add a note hereTypes:
      • Add a note hereEthernet
      • Add a note here10BaseT
      • Add a note here100BaseT
      • Add a note here1000BaseT
      • Add a note here100BaseTX
      • Add a note here100BaseFX
      • Add a note here1000BaseX
      • Add a note here10GBaseSR
      • Add a note here10GBaseLR
      • Add a note here10GBaseER
      • Add a note here10GBaseSW
      • Add a note here10GBaseLW
      • Add a note here10GBaseEW
      • Add a note here10GBBaseT
    • Add a note hereProperties:
      • Add a note hereCSMA/CD
      • Add a note hereCSMA/CA
      • Add a note hereBroadcast
      • Add a note hereCollision
      • Add a note hereBonding
      • Add a note hereSpeed
      • Add a note hereDistance
  • Add a note here3.8 Identify components of wiring distribution.
    • Add a note hereIDF
    • Add a note hereMDF
    • Add a note hereDemarc
    • Add a note hereDemarc extension
    • Add a note hereSmart jack
    • Add a note hereCSU/DSU

Add a note hereAlthough the basic concept of connecting computers hasn't changed very much since the mid-1980s, the methods used to connect them have changed dramatically. The technologies that are in use now have evolved over the past 30 years to the point where they are today. These technologies will continue to evolve. The components we use in our networks have also evolved because of these technologies.

Add a note hereWhen you connect computers, your main goal is to provide fast communication with as few errors as possible. You should understand that the type of media and topology you use in your network will largely determine your ability to reach this goal. In addition, you should know that the components you choose for a network will also determine your capability to control network traffic. In this chapter, I will discuss several networking media and topologies and compare the features that they, and the components that use them, bring to your network design to help you control traffic within your network.

Add a note hereFor more detailed information on Domain 3's topics, please see CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition (9781118137550) or CompTIA Network+ Deluxe Study Guide, 2nd Ed (9781118137543), both published by Sybex.

Add a note here3.1 Categorize standard media types and associated properties

Add a note hereAs networking has evolved, the types of cable and their properties have dramatically changed. We have moved from using cables made only from copper wire to also using cables made from glass fibers. Each of these general categories of cable has its own properties and has many options from which to select. In this section, I will discuss the most common types of cable and their corresponding properties.

Add a note hereFiber

Add a note hereFiber-optic cable (fiber) is often used in network backbones to provide high bandwidth for fast, reliable communications. There are two main types of fiber-optic cable: singlemode and multimode. In this section, I will discuss the properties, advantages, and disadvantages of each type.


Add a note hereMultimode fiber-optic cable (MMF) uses light to communicate a signal and disperses it into numerous paths (which is why it's multi) as it travels through the core and is reflected back via cladding, a special material that lines the core and focuses the light back onto it. Multimode fiber provides high bandwidth at high speeds over medium distances (up to about 3,000 feet) but can be inconsistent for very long runs. Because of this, multimode fiber is generally used within a smaller area of a building. Multimode fiber is available in glass or in a plastic version that makes installation easier and increases installation flexibility. As with singlemode fiber, multimode fiber can be used when electrical interference is present, since it is completely immune to it. Figure 3.1 shows the how light is split into multiple paths in a multimode fiber-optic cable.
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Add a note hereFigure 3.1: Light reflected in a multimode fiber-optic cable


Add a note hereSinglemode fiber-optic cable (SMF) is a high-speed, high-distance media. It consists of a single strand, or sometimes two strands, of glass fiber that carries the signals. The light source that is generally used with singlemode fiber is a laser, although light-emitting diodes (LEDs) may also be used. With singlemode fiber, a single light source is transmitted from end to end and pulsed to create communication. Singlemode fiber is used for long runs because it can transmit data 50 times farther than multimode fiber and at a faster rate. For example, singlemode fiber might be used on an organization's corporate campus between buildings. Since the transmission media is glass, installing singlemode fiber can be a bit tricky. Other layers are protecting the glass core, but the cable still should not be crimped or pinched around any tight corners. It is, however, completely immune to electrical interference since light is used instead of electrical signals. Figure 3.2 illustrates the layers included in singlemode fiber-optic cable.
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Add a note hereFigure 3.2: Singlemode fiber-optic cable

Add a note hereCopper

Add a note hereFiber-optic cable is becoming more prevalent, but copper cables are by far the most used in networks today. There are many forms of copper cable and many technologies that have evolved around them.


Add a note hereUnshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable is the most common type of cable in use today. UTP is used most often because it is far easier to install than STP (which I will discuss next). It is commonly used in the access and distribution areas of a network. The only protection from electrical interference provided by UTP is that the pairs of wires within the cable are twisted, which is usually enough. Figure 3.3 shows a UTP cable.
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Add a note hereFigure 3.3: A UTP cable


Add a note hereShielded twisted-pair (STP) resembles UTP except that it includes a foil shield that covers the wires and adds another layer of protection against outside magnetic interference. For this protection to be effective, the connections have to be properly grounded. This adds to the complexity of installations, so most organizations have opted to use fiber-optic cable instead of STP when electromagnetic interference is a problem. Figure 3.4 shows an STP cable.
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Add a note hereFigure 3.4: An STP cable

CAT3, 5, 5e, 6, and 6a

Add a note hereThe category of a twisted-pair cable indicates the tightness of the twist applied to the wire pairs in the cable. The twist in wire pairs prevents an electrical interference called crosstalk from affecting the communication. Crosstalk occurs when a signal bleeds over from one wire to another (even through the insulation of the wire). The tighter the twist, the faster you can transmit information through a cable without suffering from crosstalk. Table 3.1 shows the maximum speed of the main cable categories. Category 5e (enhanced) is the cable type that is currently recommended as a minimum for all new installations.

Add a note hereTable 3.1: Cable categories and speeds
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Add a note hereCategory 3
Add a note hereCategory 5
Add a note hereCategory 5e
Add a note hereCategory 6
Add a note hereCategory 6a
Add a note hereMaximum Speed
Add a note here10Mbps
Add a note here100Mbps
Add a note here1000Mbps
Add a note here1000Mbps
Add a note here1000Mbps

Add a note hereYou may have noticed that categories 5e, 6, and 6a all have the same maximum speed, so why would you choose one over another? For one thing, compared with category 5e, categories 6 and 6a have more stringent specifications regarding crosstalk and noise. They also require a slightly modified RJ-45 connector to meet the specification and hold the tighter twist.


Add a note hereCoaxial cable consists of an inner core wire and an outer braid of insulating wire. The inner core wire carries the entire signal. Figure 3.5 shows a coaxial cable. In the late 1980s, coaxial cable was used as the backbone of network segments and to connect computers to the bus topology that made up the network. The larger coaxial cables that generally made up the backbone were referred to as thicknet, while the smaller “drop cables” used to connect the computers were called thinnet. Sometimes we used a special device called a vampire tap to pierce the coaxial cable and get the signal from the core. Oh, those were the days!
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Add a note hereFigure 3.5: A coaxial cable
Add a note hereCoaxial cable is rarely used anymore for network backbones or to connect computers, but it is being used today for television connections and to connect cable modems to broadband Internet connections. I will focus our attention on the coaxial cable used for computers today, for which there are basically two standards in general use today: RG-59 and RG-6. Of these, RG-6 offers a thicker core wire for less resistance and better performance.


Add a note hereLet's say you wanted to attach a switch to a switch. By this definition, the devices are similar, and therefore you should use a crossover cable instead of a straight-through cable. Suppose you accidentally used a straight-through cable where you should have used a crossover cable; would that work? Well, yes--most modern switches would autosense the difference and “switch the pins” for you. However, for the exam, you should know that straight-through cables are used to connect dissimilar network devices, and crossover cables are used to connect similar devices. Table 3.2 illustrates the most common matchups and which cable to use.

Add a note hereTable 3.2: Cable types and uses
Open table as spreadsheet
Add a note hereDevice 1
Add a note hereDevice 2
Add a note hereCable type
Add a note herePC
Add a note hereSwitch
Add a note hereStraight
Add a note herePC
Add a note herePC
Add a note hereCrossover
Add a note hereSwitch
Add a note hereRouter
Add a note hereStraight
Add a note hereRouter
Add a note hereRouter
Add a note hereCrossover
Add a note herePC
Add a note hereRouter
Add a note hereCrossover

Add a note hereMost of the entries in Table 3.2 are very straightforward; however, the last one is a bit tricky. The reason that a connection between a PC and a router uses a crossover cable is that a PC is very much like a router. In fact, you can create a router from a PC with an additional NIC and the right configuration.

T1 Crossover

Add a note hereA channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU) is a digital interface device used to connect a router to a digital circuit, such as a T1 or T3 line. (I will discuss the CSU/DSU in greater detail later in this chapter.) If you should need to connect one CSU/DSU to another, you would usde a specially pinned cable, referred to as a T1 crossover cable. It is pinned in such a way as to let the send circuits on the router connect to the receive circuits on the CSU/DSU, and vice versa.


Add a note hereA straight (or straight-through) cable is the most common type of cable used in a network. It is typically referred to as a patch cable, because it is used to patch one network device to another. Straight-through cables are generally used to connect network devices that are dissimilar.
Add a note hereFor example, in a typical network, a computer is attached to a wall jack using a straight-through cable. The wall jack is attached to a patch panel (for flexibility and redundancy), and then the patch panel is attached to a switch. In essence, a computer attached to a switch uses a straight-through cable. A computer and a switch are very different in regard to how they function on a network and therefore are considered dissimilar.
Add a note hereTo assure connectivity throughout your network, the same wiring standard should be used in the cables, the patch panels, and other network connections. There are two competing standards, T568a and T568B, which I will discuss in greater detail later in this chapter.

Add a note herePlenum vs. non-plenum

Add a note hereThe difference between plenum and non-plenum cable involves how each is constructed and where it is authorized for use. Many large multistory buildings are designed to circulate air through the spaces between the ceiling of one story and the floor of the next. As I mentioned in a previous chapter, this area in between floors is referred to as the plenum. It is an area that is generally perfect for running cables to connect the many computers in the building.
Add a note hereHowever, in the event of a fire, the cables in the plenum can become a serious hazard in two ways. First, their insulation can give off a poisonous smoke that would then be circulated throughout the building. Second, they can become a “wick” for the fire and actually help spread it from room to room and floor to floor. Not pretty, huh?
Add a note hereTo prevent both of these occurrences, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regulates the use of cables in the plenum to those that it has tested to be safe. A plenum cable is therefore tested to be fire retardant and to create no (or a very small amount of) smoke and poisoned gas when burned. A non-plenum cable does not meet these standards and can therefore be used anywhere except in a plenum. Non-plenum cables are typically less expensive than plenum cables. However, most organizations use plenum cable only in the plenum for obvious reasons.

Add a note hereMedia converters

Add a note hereAs networking has evolved, the types of cable and their properties have dramatically changed. We have moved from using cables made from copper wire to using cables made from glass fibers. Each of these general categories of cable has its own properties and has many options from which to select. Perhaps one of the best decisions you could make in your network would be to use a combination of these types of cables and technologies. If you do that, then you will need to have media converters at the points where one type of cable and technology connects to another. In this section, I will discuss the most common types of media converters and where you would use each one.

Singlemode fiber to Ethernet

Add a note hereSince you would most likely use singlemode fiber between buildings on a campus, this type of media converter would be used in each building as the fiber-based data signal in the form of light comes into the building to be carried farther through the building in the form of electricity. See Figure 3.6.
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Add a note hereFigure 3.6: A singlemode fiber to Ethernet converter

Multimode fiber to Ethernet

Add a note hereIn some organizations, multimode fiber is used as the backbone within a building. This allows the backbone to carry more data at faster speeds than would be possible using only copper cable. Even when multimode fiber is used in this way, it is unlikely that it will be used all the way to the computers. Typically a multimode fiber to Ethernet converter will be used between the backbone segment and the patch panels that will lead to the wall jacks and finally to the computers themselves.

Fiber to coaxial

Add a note hereIn the past, coaxial cable was used as a backbone in some buildings. This is not done very often anymore, but coaxial cables are sometimes used to connect cable modems for the purposes of Internet communications or telecommunications. If you wanted to bring in high-bandwidth communications from a cable provider and then distribute them throughout your network backbone, you would use a fiber-to-coaxial converter (see Figure 3.7).
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Add a note hereFigure 3.7: A fiber-to-coaxial converter

Singlemode to multimode fiber

Add a note hereAs I mentioned earlier, singlemode fiber is typically used between buildings because it can span greater distances, whereas multimode fiber is used within each building because it can have many channels of communication. Therefore, if you use both, the connections between your buildings will use a singlemode to multimode converter. The singlemode fiber will bring in pulses of light in one stream, and the multimode fiber will then divide the signals into multiple channels.

Add a note hereDistance limitations and speed limitations

Add a note hereAs you might imagine, the capability of each of these technologies varies greatly from one to the next. For this reason, you will need to choose carefully when you are considering using one technology over another. Two of most important aspects of each type of cable are its maximum speed and maximum distance. Later in this chapter, I will discuss the various LAN and WAN technologies including the maximum distance for each technology.

Add a note hereBroadband over powerline

Add a note hereBroadband over powerline (BPL) is a system that carries data on a conductor wire that is also used for electrical power transmission. In the past, power lines were considered as a suitable media for high-bandwidth communications. Recent advances in technology are now making high-bandwidth communications possible and opening the door for computer communications in SOHO and enterprise networks. You can use a BPL converter to facilitate communications over power lines where other types of communication lines would be difficult or impossible to install.

Add a note hereExam Essentials

Add a note hereKnow the types of fiber-optic cable    There are two main types of fiber-optic cable: multimode fiber and singlemode fiber. Multimode fiber is typically used within buildings and can disperse the light into multiple paths. Singlemode fiber is typically used between buildings and consists of a single light source that is pulsed.
Add a note hereKnow the types of copper cables    There are three main types of copper cables that are used in today's networks: UTP, STP, and coaxial. UTP cable is the most common type of cable by far. Since they do not have any shielding, they are very easy to install; however, they are not suitable for installations that are close to large magnets, motors, speakers, and the like. STP cables are less commonly used because they are much more difficult to install. They provide a layer of shielding that must be grounded to be effective. They are not used much in today's networks because fiber-optic cables provide a complete immunity to electrical interference. Coaxial cables are still used in today's networks, but in a very different way than they were in the past. They consist of one core wire that carries all of the signal and a braided mesh that acts as a shield. They are primarily used to connect cable modems to the connections from a cable Internet provider.
Add a note hereKnow the categories of UTP cables and their purpose    There any many categories of cables ranging from Category 3 to Category 6a. Generally speaking, the higher the category number, the faster you can push data through it without problems caused by signal bleed called crosstalk. You should always use the appropriate category for the task at hand.
Add a note hereUnderstand the main types of cables and their uses    Straight, or straight-through, cables are used to patch network components together that are not similar to each other such as when connecting a computer to a switch. They are also referred to as patch cables. Crossover cables are used to connected similar devices together such as a switch to a switch, router to a router, or even a PC to a router (a PC can perform a routing function so it is similar to a router). A T1 crossover cable is a specialized crossover that is used to connect a CSU/DSU to another CSU/DSU.
Add a note hereUnderstand the difference between plenum and non-plenum cable    A plenum is the space in a building that is between the ceiling of one floor and the floor of the next. Since air is generally circulated in this area, the NFPA regulates that only specialized cables can be used that have insulation that doesn't wick fire or give off poisonous gases when it burns. These specialized cables are referred to as plenum cables. In all other areas of the network, non-plenum cables can be used.
Add a note hereUnderstand media converters    Since we use fiber-optic, copper UTP/STP, and even coaxial cables in the same network, we often need converters. There are many types of converters, and each has a use in the network. Review the definitions of the different media types and their uses, and the place that the converter will be used in the network will be evident for each.
Add a note hereUnderstand Broadband over powerline    Broadband over powerline carries data on a conductor wire that is also carrying electrical power transmission. This can facilitate options in SOHO network and even larger enterprise-type networks. You can use this technology in areas where other media would be difficult or even impossible to install.

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