HDP/MCSA Lab assignment

Some active directory and configuring a new domain controller

install 2008 r2 from the boot media
to make things easier
like especially when you need to create a domain or configure permissions
you should know your computers name
In the control panel under system settings and system
change your computer name to something easy to remember (computername)
to set up raid 1
go to the server manager in mmc and find the disk manager and open it so you see your active disk
and when you do this
you gotta have enough memory to backup a full disk image on another unallocated disk
so go ahead and set the disks to dynamic and add a mirror of the system, boot and cache
plug in the rj45 Ethernet cord to the network adapter or whatever
one of the first things we have to do is set the ip and promote our machine to a domain controller
go to the control panel in the network and sharing center adapter settings
set the tcp/ip (
and the subnet mask (
and the default gateway (

now back in the server manager roles\add new roles install dns all the way
the parent domain should be a FQDN (yourname.net)
and install the dhcp ROLE don't add the wins FEATURE yet
but you can use the stateless ipv6
otherwise you will have to configure the ipv6 settings yourself
there will be a preferred ipv6 addres fec0::0:0:fff:1
and fec0::0:0:fff:2
or something similar
also (1::0) and (0::0:0:0:0:0) are valid
set a FQDN (yourname.net)
and create a zone for yourself ( -

now install the ROLE active directory domain services
to set the refresh rates for the dns
go to the server manager and in the dns tree node forwarding zones properties
Start Of Authority tab is where you can set the refresh rates
if you right click on the dns server name itself you can set the dns forwarding zones AND

go to active directory domain services
users and computers
in the users folder
you should see actions off to the right and use the add new user feature
add five users
then again go to the actions off to the right and add new group
and two groups MCSA and HDP as security groups with a global domain

then go to the properties of the groups and go to members tab
now add the users to the groups by searching their names using check name

once they are all set to the control groups we make the login script to map the network drive folders we created for their groups to their user accounts

open notepad and type this in

net use D: \\computername\home
net use E: \\computername\MCSA
net use F: \\computername\HDP

save it as logon.bat move it to \\computername\netlogon
go to the users in the server manager and in the properties under the profile tab

go to the users properties and under the profile tab
set the logon script to logon.bat

now under the start menu in administrative tools there is domains and trusts
make a new trust of a computer that is set up like yours and it has to be plugged into the same router or network access point, under the same subnet up to the third part of the domain (198.162.100.xxx)
you should know its DNS name or whatever is required
go to the network and sharing center and add that other server to the alternate DNS IP under the preferred DNS Ip (not loopback, it should be set to your ip

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