shared folder printing & VI editor

guest additions
create a folder in windows
settings in virtualbox closed machine state shared folders
mount to shared folder

sudo mount -t vboxsf [folder in windows] [folder in Ubuntu]

software center cairo-dock

and installing printers [by ip address]

how to script
create a file show it what interpreter to use for your command on the first line like so
gedit new.txt

#! bin/bash
echo "this is a script"

then we exit and save

so find our script we type in

doesn't run
so we need to either find the path or give it an explicit directory to search

echo $PATH

and we can see our current working directory

./[fileorcommand] brings us to our current working directory

we somehow don't have permission to open it
ls -l we can see the permissions of our current working directory

chmod 764 [new.txt]

we have to know how to move around in VI :q! is quit without saving

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