bignerd android chapter16
we're making menus
in crime_activity.xml we have our string resource id
and our icon is from the drawable folders for different screen resolutions and we can make these for different size devices and inside the sdk there are a lot of icons we can use in our programs
our title comes from our string resources
and the action is probably tied to the java file
our java file itself is a fragment I think and an activity and a basic program
this example in itself doesn't do much at all as a user interface it just brings up the barebones of an android app with the minimal functionality applied
chapter 17
so far our crime app has been using an array of different crimes but realistically we're going to make a database for them the way its illustrated in the book we have a sandbox or private data file
which isn't accessible to other applications
but contact list is an example of a public access database you know
they are using JSON
you can learn more about it on
which should be covered in also
remember we're doing
chapter 5
chapter 12 workspace
chapter 17 workspace
chapter 22 workspace
chapter 26 workspace and 32
quiz on ch8-32
we'll have an app flow like
JSON file -->App-->convert and load array--> JSONFILE-->App--
so this is how we're saving